The Elemental creatures, an encounter!

The tree

When I was a kid I used to play under the big tree not too far from our house. It was around 9 in the morning after playing alone I sat under a big tree. Suddenly I heard a voice behind the tree where I sat. I searched where the voice came from but I saw nothing. Then I went back to where I sat before and heard again a voice of a man just behind me but no one else was in there. I never felt anything scary but I was wondering what it was or who was it? I looked around searched high and low but nothing was present in there. No matter what it is, I am sure someone was hidden in my sight and that he sees me around playing under that tree.

A serpent with a glowing head

I and my cousin were playing in their house. 
All day long we were together until I realized I had to go home. It was past 6 o'clock in the evening. While on my way home I took a short cut where I passed in a shrubs and trees when suddenly I saw a little snake swerving across the path way. I stepped back and I was shocked more when I saw something that was glowing on its head. I was wondering what it was on a snake’s head. And I don’t dare to hunt it for it might be something dangerous.

Horned human, an encounter.

As I grow older my obsession to magic increased. I pretend to have magic and wag my wand in the wind with a stick like what I saw on magic movies or in a Harry potter movies where a wizard used his magic wand to make something happen. In college, my search of something like this was intensified. I even tried to experience an out of body experience. Having read the book which I found in someone else's house. The answer to my question was there. It is outlined in that book. Such as guide to out of body experience, how to read tarot cards, and others. Yes it is occult! But I was intrigued and the curiosity became my friend. At last I had one experience of OBE.  When I was in manila living with my relatives there I had once an OBE. I float on the ceiling and notice my body lying on the bed. I was feeling imbalance at first and I suddenly fall back to my physical body. This experience I want to master then when I went back to aklan to our house I did once again. And even fly and saw myself ascending or it depends to what my minds directs. in other words it is manipulated by my thoughts . Which I really enjoy doing it. I even tried to visit someone’s house or to my friend. Until one night when I began flying and went to my friend’s house. I saw my friend feeding his dog and I saw my friend hit his dog with a stick. It suddenly affects my head like I was being hit. Then I suddenly went back to my body. Then I saw this human form sitting right under my feet. He was sitting and was staring at me. I can’t clearly see his face but I can see a horn in his head just like a horn of an adult yak. I was shivering of fear. I was scared much and I felt coldness like I was in a freezer. I really don’t know how I felt that much fear that night. Then I began praying mentally the prayer Jesus taught in the bible. The Our Father. And I asked God to help me. Then there was a light coming through the ceiling. Then the horned man which I supposed was a demon disappeared and the fear vanished. I felt the at ease feeling comforted and loved by God. That was an awful experience I had.

The date on the thicket with spirits.

I and my girlfriend had a challenge. After we picked up the venue of our date we packed our things and proceed. In a thicket there was a water falls which I myself discovered. We chose that place for our peculiar challenge and date. This too far from houses since it was located in the heart of a mountain in our place. There are so many trees and vines. When we got there early in the mornig I built a shack made of coconut leaves. I built it in front of a cavern. In the afternoon the sun easily disappeared because of so many trees around. We made a bonfire and let it burnt until nothing has left. The noise was the splash of water from the water falls and the nocturnal creatures. After a day of preparation I began to sleep when my girlfriend said someone was watching us and she cannot sleep because of that. Then I stayed awake. When I began to kiss my girlfriend I heard a whistle. Then I told her what I heard. We keep our eyes awake. Then suddenly I heard people talking, children playing around. But nothing to see on my video cam even it was set on night visual. The voices were getting louder and louder. Then someone was shuffling around our shack. It moves back and forth but still we cannot see it. It is  a sound of an angry animal that would like to attack us. I was scared and held the bolo tightly. We have two bolos one for my girlfriend and one for me. Just in case of the attack we can defend ourselves. The roar was consistent and he moves around the shack. I told my girlfriend if she know how to pray. Then I prayed the Our father Jesus taught in the bible, my fear became neutral. But we still kept our bolos on our hands and my camera on the other. The sound began to disappear. Then my camera caught something on the wall outside our shack, it was huge creepy a lizard-like glued on the wall. Its eyes were glowing in a night vision camera. Then It suddenly rains so heavily. We didn’t get wet because we are inside a cavern. We keep talking and talking until the break of dawn.
We prepare things to pack up. Then when we were near the big tree there was a sudden rain of leaves, green or dried leaves from that tree. I was about to get my camera to take the falling leaves but it was too late. Then I heard the ship sound signal like leaving the port somewhere near us. It blows three times then there was a loud “ting” from the tree. Then I heard a man was talking not too far from us then I tried to talk to him knowing he was just behind us but my girlfriend asked me who I was talking with. Because she didn’t heard man around us. That was scary experience.
We went home with this mystery date experience.

Me, duplicated.

I and my girlfriend was having a date in some hills in our place. It was under the moon light. The wind blows cold and the sound of the tides relaxing.
I told my girlfriend to stay because I am shitting behind the shrubs some 4 meters away. Then I spent time and called out my girlfriend if I left my handkerchief in her. Then when I finished I went back to her. She told me I was beside her few minutes ago and she was talking to me when I shouted about a handkerchief. She said I already went back and sat beside her and was talking to her. Then she realized after I shouted to check my handkerchief that I was not the one whom she was talking with although it was like me. That is some duplicate of me, I thought.
Another horrendous experience.


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