Spook-taculars in Baguio 2018 ( part 1)

Every year as October begins, malls buckle under pumpkins, webs , and scary creatures. There can only be one reason , Halloween. This celebration was observed in 31st evening of October. It is an observance where most countries like america, canada, united kingdom and the increasing popularity in Australia and some part of the world and even in our country celebrates the halloween. It is actually a festival originated by some kind of a tribe called celts. Celts celebrates this as their "day of harvest". This festival is most commonly known as Halloween or Hallowe'en (a contraction of All Hallows' Evening), but is also referred to all hallow's eve or all saint's eve. But today it became a different celebration. People used to celebrate this by wearing scary costumes, as of having a party where eveyone is wearing a spooky attire. . In this event children began to do the trick and treat. Where they wear a costume and go knock door to door or house to house and will yell, "trick and treat". So the people in the house who might also be wearing costume opens the door and give the kids candies or sweets. Part of my spooktacular search , my friends and I decided to visit the "Ruins of Baguio" commonly known as the Diplomat. This is said to be a haunted house according to the folklore. From our transient house here in baguio we drove to the Dominican hill.

 The structure was named after the Dominicans who once lived there. This was built in 1915 as a Dominican retreat house. It was designed by a Dominican priest Father Roque Ruanio, became a school named Colegio del Santisimo Rosario. In 1945 the structure became a Japanese' fortress and was bombed by the American in the same year. Now folklores say it is now a haunted house. Curiosity led us to visit the structure. So here are the photos I took during our spooktacular visit to the place I called the ruins of baguio.
This is one of the rarest pictures I have taken.. As i tried to move around my camera and take pictures in every angle it never came to my mind that this long haired creature will be caught on my cam. This probably a person who also taking a picture but this is scary though cuz all the thought that we could atleast catch any unusual or paranormal scene since this place is eerie as they say, this was I caught. Funny though , we never make any joke until accidentally this seems to be a woman who happened to appear in the camera.
Well stories can tell and even those who came to this place before us or long before us experienced spooky things in or out the camera. And I indeed feel it when I was there. I walked through every veranda , and alleys and came in to every rooms and rest rooms there is a feeling of goosebumps. Though the rooms were old and you can actually feel that something is still in there. First the smell , when I got to every room I can imagine how the room were used. Second the feeling like you were at the time where there is still people living in it. and the third is the ambiance itself. When I got to the room I suddenly feel like I am being watched and that makes me goosebump. I had to be hurry getting out the room since i am alone exploring the building ,while my friends went there way to explore other rooms.
This was somewhat goosebump experience. 


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