A just fight in Southwest tours!

Mode of  palate

I see most of this first in FB posts, in parties or in any gathering which are posted in social media. It became famous then since its first post by someone, in other words this kind of culinary experience has gained a lot of popularity and well known trend on food setting in and out the country. This Filipino tradition was originally originated from Philippine military where based on research a big pile of food are served in middle of a really long table. Where every hungry soldier eats with their bare hands to show solidarity, brotherhood and equality in the military. So why "fight" then, it is not there is a fight while eating. Throwing what is on the table to someone in front of you. Or, fish bones or stuff. The fight refers to the act of grabbing and eating as much as the soldier can before others grab them or runs out. Say what? Grabbing ? Oh my! Fight, remember..Ok...  I am getting out of the track. Anyways, these foods are served for a hungry men. Take note hungry men. So if you are slow you will definitely run out of food.

A famous boodle fight!

Ready to rumble

 Again, boodle fight is a tradition originated from Philippine military. This is a food served on top of a long table, rice is placed in the middle and viands either on top or on the sides of the rice. With a banana leaves under. Of course expect that there are no utensils here. As you can see this is not a fine dining as you might be seeing as exchanging things from what you can get to your mate or table mate. I was thinking Hmmmnn...

Anyway.  Foods setting has no set of rules on  what to add to your table but the most popular ones are the dry items like tuyo, pusit,pinirito, langgonisa, tocino etc. Some also add fruits or salads and other appetizers. 
So make sure everyone is hungry because you can never enjoy a military like food eating, such as boodle fight.

I am sorry for what I said when I was hungry!

Well, well, as far as boodle fight is concernI just want to share with you my experience on this most popular mode of dining here in our country most especially in companies who spend parties with less preparation of efforts and time, like preparing plates, glass, utensils and the like. This has been supposedly exciting except that one I had in mind which i thought was really different.

This was my first time ever joined in the fight and it is somehow a fight of something superb. I am not telling you to disgust this and would likely be a miserable thing I had experience during the fight. But this is one experience to chalk up . At first before getting to the fight considering a warrior I need to be in guard. I have to make sure  everything is in good conditions especially my stomach. Since boodle fight is for an empty stomach. As in, patay gutom? sort of like that. Well, that is perhaps a case here you need to be hungry first haha or else you wont get much from what is being prepared. And look as the people consuming food , they became busy , with strength and strategies like of in a war. You will notice nobody is talking just a sound munching mouth or at least they only speak after they have eaten. Just make sure engaging in this fight you should eat fast, as the rule suggests.  That was pretty cool then. But, but, as I said there is something I find it so different, just a thought. Although everyone is aware of this eating style I also want to consider a hygiene. Yes I understand this is a traditional way or should I say a trend since the Philippine military has originated it. But they are military. We are not. They are on a real fight, sent off for a battle. Of course you can never expect a social eater, on a military operations. Everything there is quick. I mean, no washing of hands, or no much preparation on dining or etc. I mean everything is quick and cowboy. Know what I mean? I should not forget the camaraderie or friendship in this act was the other reason. Well, I like it though in some way it induce to something like diseases that might get from this act. Well, friendship is still counts. In military, for an instance the commander will give one piece of candy, then the first one will suck and then give to the other to suck too and so on until the last one element in a row had sucked it and returned it to the first one. Was this my experience in CAT during my high school days? no not really. Never had one. That is the essence of camaraderie, solidarity in military. Would you like doing it, if ever? But here it is pretty amazing that we apply this military practice into ours. Which is indeed shrinking. Why? We are not really sure of what we might get from this except  the joy, the experience where we are sharing each other. Sorry guys but it is true. The purpose is for a better friendship, camaraderie and all that but who is going to take the risk?  like getting a salmonella or something..

Laughter is brightest when food is best

What I want to say here we can always do this thing such a boodle fight but in a manner where we can always think of hygienic ones. This is only my thought on this act or mode or eating together, my "what ifs". I know, I know, you might raise that suspicious eyebrows, but we are not military then. The concept was adapted and was acceptable but not literally the act like no manner in eating. I know you have so many questions in your mind or ideas you would want to add or to be against with. But my apologies this is should be done properly. A boodle fight is a boodle fight and again the concept is there , such as for camaraderie, solidarity, friendships, you name it, or whatever you may call it. But health is wealth. We should consider it no matter what. We can do boodle fight on our own hygienic version where everyone can be very hungry but it can be done properly. You know we have given a spirit of self control or self discipline, 2 Timothy 1:7; Galatians 5:23.  and we also have learned it from our grand parents , you know the ones who spanks us when we violate such rule in our house.  The manner in eating , washed hands, pray before you eat and all that. and or in Biblical aspect without self control is a sin. Eating much can be a sin, according to the most holy bible.

Hence whatever is much , like eating and beyond our control is unpleasant to God.
Nowadays diseases can be drawn from anywhere. From the airborne, waterborne or etc. diseases which are easily gets to our body most especially in an untidy areas or in an open spaces. I am afraid you don't want to get them too.

Again I myself do not disagree with this practice but one thing is it should be done in a proper way.

Have a happy boodle fight.

Below I just posted some boodle fight happened during Southwest's first team building and it was amazing.

Everyone enjoyed every bit of a program. And most importantly during the boodle fight.

"You don't need a silver fork to eat good food".- Paul Prudhomme

(Photo credit to Joe James Garcia, Pao Castillo and Regina Marie Kismundo)
Just checking if nothing's missing

Fight has begun! Have mercy to the slow eater..

Have enough strength 


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