Manila lockdown

Metro Manila lockdown

Hi guys!
It is so scary weekends , scary because everyone is getting panicky of the current situations we are having. In the past few weeks or months we have been horrified by the news circulating about this virus and the fear  intensifies   in coming days.  We all know and have watched our President announcement on locking down the Metro , due to this corona outbreak. It reminds me of the movie legend by Will Smith , or other similar movies that deals with viruses. I am so scared but i am not panic.  Sad to say, the humanity is experience this horrendous plague. You will never know until when and where you will be safe against this deadly disease and in no time anyone can be a victim.
Early this morning i was at the puregold to buy my regular grocery items, and know what, the entrance of the supermarket were being populated with these people who are panic buying. Yeah , panic buying, you have heard it right  , it also reminds me of the Y2k but this one is more horrendous.

Alcohol is limited , and it is only 2 bottles for one person who is buying it. Even in this item lots of people are in a long queue. This is so scary. Like I feel that it is gonna be the world's beginning of doomsday.

There is no safe place in the world  . Is this the Armageddon? Is this the punishment for  us as sinful people?  It reminds me of the one verse in the bible when Abraham question the lord about sparing the city for the sake of the good ones; if there is 50 righteous people of God in that sinful place  will the lord destroy the city and not spare the place for the sake of the good ones?. (Gen. 18:24 )
In this hard times , we all need to come to our senses. Why is this happening?
Phenomenon happening each year. Forteana and it makes us all horrified.
It is time to think our creator. We all come from God. It is not about politics anymore, not about race and division. It is about us , about the inhabitants of this world, the world we eventually destroy because of our selfish motives. It is about God now. This is not coming from god's wrath as  punishment but this is from the wicked one who has given the opportunity to touch and manipulate the minds of the people and the entire world.


Where have you come from?” said the LORD to Satan.
“From roaming through the earth,” he replied, “and walking back and forth in it.

The wicked one is everywhere ,finding ways to destroy humanity. And God did not do the test on us but the wicked one is. But since people have been so stubborn and became wicked he let  Satan take over the world and in fact he became the god of this world.

2 Cor 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

and that is why , what people have will be taken away , possession or even life

Job 1:12
Very well,” said the LORD to Satan. “Everything he has is in your hands, but you must not lay a hand on the man himself.”

And whilst letting the wicked take over of what  the children of God have  he  also destroy the children of God.

This is a reminder of the apostle 2 hundred years ago.

War and Earthquakes everywhere and  epidemic that the world is experiencing right now;
Luke 21:11
There will be mighty and violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (plagues: malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating); and there will be sights of terror and great signs from heaven.

oh this is scary .. this is not a new horror story .It has been a reminder over and over , from one prophet to another. But still people dont mind it, until they would feel the pain of it. When do we learn,  we only start to believe because our eyes want to see it. 
We are on the end times folks...
And again , this was mentioned in the Bible. 
Guys i am not stirring out your imagination we have our understanding. We only ask God for this to be understood, which other may deprived of understanding. As many will seek the wisdom but it was given to the least the holy spirit chooses to give.

Yeah i am scared , cuz we never know when this will end. The epidemic , the contagious diseases that kills many over the course of 2 months . God will only know when to end. We need to repent and ask for forgiveness. Then the world will be healed.

The President announced the lockdown over Metro Manila due to the corona virus outbreak. And it has been placed to the highest alert level. Families will stay to their respective houses, to avoid getting contacts to this virus from outside.

PNP is ensuring the actions will be taken effectively , there will  be a quarantine  or community quarantine as well to eschew the said virus and whilst others can still go to work but still has to strictly follow the authority the the safety of all. executive order lockdown will Begin tommorow March 15 and it will last on April 14, and no land , air and sea transportation will be operating until further notice on April 14th.

Now people are panic buying but they are less of panic praying.

i urge you to pray.

Pray and pray so that we will be spared and follow the necessary actions to prevent the spreading of the virus. The only thing that i can say about this tough times , is again pray.  Acknowledge the lord  and repent.

Keep updated and  stay at home. Dont travel from places to places and always sanitize your hands with alcohol.

My prayer to all.
God bless!


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