Herbal infusion

The plants are made of God not for use in the wrong way. Many of us do not know the importance of it and we think it's worthless until such time when one of us discovered the wonder miracle that comes from that plant. These plants grow anywhere which we almost trapped on. You can see it anywhere yet you are not aware of its properties that can cure several diseases of our body.

One of them and I know this very familiar to you as this is very familiar to me.

This one we used to play when we were young,and its fruit we used to stick in our clothes.


(Urena lobata Linn.) o English name "CAESAR WEED"
Dalupang erect, branched shrub 0.6 to 2.5 meters high. Plant is exceedingly variable and more or less hairy, stems often with reddish branches. Leaves are pale beneath, ovate to suborbicular, 3 to 9 centimeters long, heart-shaped at the base, more or less toothed or somewhat lobed or angled, the lobes not exceeding beyond the middle of the leaf and the sinuses being usually broad and acute.
Flowers are pink or purplish, about 1.7 millimeters in diameter and borne singly in the axils of the leaves, or somewhat in panicles. Petals are 5, free above, connate below and adnate to staminal tube; staminal tube truncate or minutely toothed, anthers many. Ovary is 5-celled, branches of stigma 10. Fruits are rounded but flattened and about 7 millimeters in diameter, with the 5 carpels covered with short, barbed spines.
 Decoction of seeds taken internally a vermifuge, that expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.
Decoction of stem and root used for severe colic. Extracts of leaves and roots used to treat abdominal colic, malaria, gonorrhea, fever, wounds, toothaches and rheumatism.


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