Crucifixion -- reenactment ritual

Crucifixion reenactment. Every holy week we as Christians commemorates the death of Christ. some people fasts days before or until good friday in cleansing one's sinful self, in the belief that this could purify souls or cleanse as it suggests. Others do the reenactment of how Jesus being crucified. Inflict themselves and crucified on the cross. Jesus, as a sacrificial lamb , had been crucified and died. After three days he rose from the dead, conquering the power of death. He ascended to heaven along with the other sinners he took away with him from hell. He saved them from the torment and punishments and brought back to heaven. In our faith as a Christians, most people if not few reenacted the crucifixion of Christ. Which is for me is debatable. Yes, you may frowned and would not agree with me. The reenactment can cause a debate to some and disagreement for others, tides of opinions may raise. Infliction to one's self and be crucified can be a contradiction to what Jesus taught in the Bible before he ascended to heaven but i do respect your beliefs. Jesus already conquered death, he took away sins of sinners and he can take away sins of a sinners as long as he accepts Jesus to his heart. He taught us to love each other and forgive each other. He said, not suggest that he is the "way the life and the truth" and no name on earth to call to save a man. So in this, reenactment like a true crucifixion can be contrasting to his teaching. In order for us to be saved is by accepting Christ as lord. , not by doing what he had done on the cross. You cannot compare yourselves to what Christ had done; In the bible he said, "carry your own cross", but he didnt say , " and be crucified on the cross just like me" He already done that, and he don't want us to suffer anymore. Carry your burden, is carry your own cross it implies how to manage our burden and put our hope that God will be there to enlighten the burden and give us rest, put our hopes to God, trust him. He suffered and died on the cross And by doing that he saved us , as fulfilling the father's mission for him. Guys, i know how devoted you are during this season.This is how you do your ritual during lent season in accordance to your beliefs. You sacrificed, you fast, but not in this way. infliction can also be a contradiction to what the bible is teaching us. Infliction also is a sin. Jesus taught us to Love each other., in fact he did not say that to be inflicted. What he said was "love each other" , in that way we will always remember him. God do not like seeing his children sacrifice anymore, only if we love each other, we will never experience burden. and we wont be able to take the consequences of what we do. Disobedience to God makes us suffer. Doing things in such a way that God dont want us to do it. In order to be saved is to accept Jesus, in order to be healed is to accept Jesus, our faith to Him will save us. And worship God in truth. i hope , in this season we discern. Think of how God sacrificed and saved us. Jesus is the only way, the life and the truth.


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