Summer is out, rainy season is in..

There are only two seasons in the Philippines, Summer day and rainy day. Summer starts in March to May, whereas rainy season starts in June to October and sometimes until January. Summer has ended and rainy days became a problem of most people. Specially when they're living in a place where flood is most occured. This is also a burden to most students and workers because of the floods and the things they can get from rainy days. Not only an ordinary rainy seasons but this is the season where typhoons are mostly occured. And you know how disturbing it is and dangerous as well. I had this one experience , in 2012 where i worked in malate and the typhoon Ondoy struck the country. It was like a lake of flood during that time. There were no transportations, such as trains, buses or jeepneys are operating. From malate , all the way to Pedro gil , we had to walk , or.else what shall we do, the flood wont subside in just a day. We had to plunge in to the knee-high flood or so, to get home to binondo. Floods is sure a problem. It is a nature's way of cleaning itself from human abusive actions. Flood is also a dangerous character of nature. It washes away everything, and even it covers the whole world as the Bible mentioned it in Noah's history. Floods are everywhere during rainy season. You can see it in the rice fields in the country side, and in the streets and alleys in the city. Floods in the city is really different because during the heavy rains it flooded due to the improper disposal of garbage that blocks the drainages where the water is supposed to be streaming. This is where people mismanaged their stinky garbage, undisciplined inhabitants who throws plastics everywhere causes the blockade of the water flow. The flood also bring water borne diseases , by getting it from the water without proper protection against bacteria. That is why we are all advised to wear protective gears , like boots and raincoats , etc. Places where flood occurs in Manila are taft avenue, Guazon , Blumentrit and others. The Government officials of Manila are always doing their best to address this concern. Cleaning the drainages , and all the stuffs. Flood cannot be stopped since it is nature and it depends on the volume of water. But it can be lessen or avoided by cleaning the drainage , canals where the water can flow directly to where it should be going, to the sea. And also by cooperation of each and everyone to help the government for proper disposal of the garbage so that it will not cause overflowing on the canals and drainage where the garbage blocked them.  If we do not manage the garbage , the garbage will manage us. Nature brings back to us what we thrown to it. and I am pretty sure we dont really want it to happen for worst.


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