Culinary journey, The taste of Ilonggo food delicacy!

When you first hear about foods what thing do you do next?
of course finding the best restaurants or food houses to dig in.
Here in Ilo-ilo, one of the famous food houses are emerging.
One was the Rafael's.
Thanks to sir Tebong, a humble chef who made up our food trip possible. As part of our adventure we tried to taste what sir tebong was telling us about. His famous ice cream which he made for himself and became a famous one in Ilo-ilo. He can make variety of this foods to choose from. He will do more of  your food trip a satisfaction, he can make you different kind of dishes by telling him ahead of time for a preparation.
Here just take a good look to what this i was telling you about.
Let the table speaks for itself.
Great foods to choose from....
This a great food-o-rama that i would not want to forget.
Not just the kind of food served like any other foods in fiestas, in your buffets and all the products of country's cuisine that i was telling here. But the togetherness we had in a battleground  of food by a table. The prawns were pretty conducive to any type of palate, the oyster submerged in a fully mixed condiments you can never refuse, the crabs which reminds you of your seafood challenge, and many others. Leave nothing but a mess of this! The crews and sir Tebong might want to see your mess leaving a table nothing is left.
On the table ground for a food battle....
Our 5th and 6th day of training we had  this very foodnatic experience at Rafael's in Ilo-ilo city. I got this chance to grab on to sir Tebong.  When he was one of the speakers during our tour guiding seminar held in DOT Ilo-ilo. He shows off his new invention in terms of foods.
After our 5th day seminar we set our dinner venue to Rafael's food house.
with Sir Rafael ( Tebong ) , humble chef who made the succulent foods for us.
Chef Rafael " Tebong" Jardeleza Jr. was the reason of this all glimmering nutriments. When all were engrossed having a good view to this great preparation i had this chance to sneak in to sir Tebong's to have this post. And he never hesitated to have me one.
Banana leaves platter.
A brown rice was wrapped in a banana leaves makes me nostalgic. This preparation was similar in my experience in the past and even the rice cooked in a "colon", "coron" or similar to a casserole or of a clay pot. The taste cooked in this kind of cooking materials are really different and more tasty than the other materials. The rice cooked in a clay pot overlayed with a banana leaves emits a smooth and aromatic smell that indulges one to eat. Especially the fish  has a different taste as well. This is one of the heritage cuisines i shall never forget.
Sea foods on the go.
The "Talaba" or oyster is one most mouth watering seafoods. I seldom eat talaba in our place. I remember the time when i and friends have our excursions in Huhrom-hurom cold spring, one of my friends brought talaba. We cooked it with its shells then we gouged the meat from it. Then the best for this is to marinate it with vinegar and some shreds of onions, ginger and garlic. The other condiments are depending on the availability and your taste. Unfortunately, i did not eat much. but in Rafael's i almost ate the talaba, the taste was remarkably perfect.
Lapaz batchoy ice cream
This one is a signature Lapaz batchoy ice cream of sir Tebong. If you had an experience the famous lapaz batchoy in Ilo-ilo, this is a peculiar one. It came to the idea of sir Tebong to create a peculiar lapaz batchoy ice cream. The whole idea made possible thru his wits and creativity. He was then got with this idea that made himself astounded and he never failed to get a "wows" from his customers like us.
The next time you want to explore your taste buds please take a visit to Rafael's and experience the best food preparation.
The Rafael's La Cosina Del Sur.
Owned and managed by Sir Rafael "Tebong" Jardeleza Jr.


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